Корній Л. П. - Джерела різних видів української музичної творчості доби Бароко (ХVІІ – перша половина ХVІІІ ст.): кодикологічний та музично-стильовий аспекти (2022)

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Kornii Lidiya

Sources of different types of Ukrainian musical creativity of the Baroque period (17th – first half of 18th century): codicological and musical-stylistic aspects

Section: Studies in Spesial Historical Disciplines

Abstract: The goal of the work. Codicological and musical-stylistic analysis of musical sources of different types of Ukrainian musical creativity of the Baroque period of the 17th - first half of the 18th century (church monody, partes works, chants, school drama with music) from the standpoint of integrity with the establishment of similarities and differences, as well as the links between them, which allows to understand properly the leading trends in contemporary music culture. Methodology. To study the sources of musical creativity of the Baroque period, a comprehensive approach was used, as well as source studies, historical, stylistic and comparative methods to study the sources of different types of musical creativity. Scientific novelty. Consideration of codicological and musical-stylistic features of Ukrainian written sources of different types of musical creativity of the Baroque period from the standpoint of integrity showed the presence of typological and common features and differences, as well as links between them. It has been established that in the Baroque period, religious and Christian themes dominated in written music, which is evidence of the significant role of Christian values for Ukrainian society at that time. It is determined that the interpretation of Christian themes took place differently. The revealed differences between different types of creativity showed evolutionary processes in the creation of codes of sources, in the use of various verbal texts in musical creativity (hymnography, syllabic poetry), in the correlation of word and music and in the musical-stylistic system. The combination of medieval traditions with baroque style innovations in musical creativity is revealed, as well as its three levels are characterized – “high”, “middle” and “lower”.

Keywords: codicology, monody, partes concert, chant, school drama, baroque, hymnography, poetic drama.

Author(s) citation:

Kornii Lidiya (2022). Sources of different types of Ukrainian musical creativity of the Baroque period (17th – first half of 18th century): codicological and musical-stylistic aspects. Manuscript and book heritage of Ukraine, (28) 314-329. (In Ukrainan). doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/rksu.28.314


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