Пучков А. О. - Рукописна й документальна спадщина історика культури Олексія Селівачова (1887–1919): огляд приватного архіву, Селівачов М. Р. (2022)

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Puchkov Andrii, Selivachov Mykhailo

Manuscript and documentary heritage of cultural historian Oleksii Selivachоv (1887– 1919): review of private archive

Section: Studies of Archival and Book Fonds

Abstract: The goal of the work. General review of printed and manuscript materials related to the scientific activity of the Ukrainian cultural critic Oleksii Selivachov (1887–1919) and his biographical information deposited in a private archive. An attemptto determine the place occupied by the legacy of O. Selivachov in modern cultural studies. Methodology. In the process of research, a historical-comparative method was used, which allowed to distinguish common and different properties of printed and manuscript materials in general and in part (regarding the legacy by Selivachov).The method of deduction is also used as a way of decomposing the general (characteristics of the studied sources) into parts (characteristics of specific documents). Scientific novelty. For the first time a comprehensive review of printed and manuscript materials (in particular, correspondence and libraries) of O. Selivachov, storedin the private archive of prof. M. Selivachov. On specific examples, attention is paidto the socio-cultural and historical-scientific importance of publishing the materials of the archive of O. Selivachov for the current state of culturological thought in Ukraine, filling another gap in its fabric. Conclusions. Review of materials of the personal archive and library of O. Selivachov, deposited in the private archive of prof. M. Selivachov, is almost unknown in modern humanities corpus of research on various aspects of cultural history (“history of ideas”) of the first quarter of the 20th century, and therefore requires publication, dissemination among scholars dealing with relevant issues, as well as acquaintance with the legacy of O. Selivachov graduate students and students studying the history of the formation of cultural and literary contexts of Ukraine in the first quarter of the 20th century.

Keywords: Oleksii Fedorovych Selivachov, history of ideas, history of culture, private archive, printed and manuscript heritage.

Author(s) citation:

Puchkov Andrii (2022). Manuscript and documentary heritage of cultural historian Oleksii Selivachоv (1887– 1919): review of private archive. Manuscript and book heritage of Ukraine, (28) 52-64. (In Ukrainan). doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/rksu.28.052


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