Фрайт О. В. - Поезія Павла Тичини "Київ" в інтерпретації Антона Рудницького: компаративний аналіз рукопису та нотодруку, Карась Г. В. (2023)

  ARCHIVE (All issues) /     Content (2023, Issue 31)Ukrainian English

Frait Oksana, Karas Hanna

Pavlo Tychyna's poetry "Kyiv" interpreted by Anton Rudnytskyi: comparative analysis of manuscript and music printed version

Section: Studies of Archival and Book Fonds

Abstract: The goal of research – comparison of the handwritten and notographic versions of the song “Kyiv” by Anton Rudnytskyi to the words of Pavlo Tychyna. The relevance of the study is due to the need for in-depth study of the legacy of Ukrainian composer Anton Rudnytskyi in the emigration period of life in the United States. The article for the first time analyzes his solo song “Kyiv” to the words of Pavlo Tychyna and the notography of the vocal work (as a manuscript and publication in the USA). The article uses historical, comparative and axiological approaches. The research methodology consisted of a historical-retrospective method used to consider the socio-political circumstances of the composition, musicological method – to study the form and system of expression of the work, comparative – for comparative analysis of manuscripts and printed publications, axiological – to determine ethical and aesthetic value the contribution of national artists to the world treasury of artistic culture. The scientific novelty lies in the introduction into scientific circulation of A. Rudnytskyi’s previously unknown manuscript in Ukraine and its comparison with the American music printing. The article for the first time analyzes his solo song, that entered the cycle “Four songs about the enslaved Ukraine” op. 26, through the prism of the eminence of the text. Conclusions. Chamber-vocal work of the composer of the Ukrainian diaspora Anton Rudnytskyi, namely the cycle “Four songs about the enslaved Ukraine” op. 26, testifies to his interest in the poetry of outstanding masters of the word with patriotic and liberating themes. The vocal-piano duo “Kyiv” became an original example of an eminent text, consistent with the time of its writing (1945), and directed not only to the national past, but also to the future. Comparison of handwritten and printed versions revealed the interpretive weight of the author’s remarks and instructions on the nature and temporythmic changes of the work, its compositional and semantic architecture. Rudnytskyi’s appeal to the glorification of Kyiv proves the inseparable unity of artistic Ukrainianness in the world.

Keywords: poem by Pavlo Tychyna, Kyiv, manuscript, chamber-vocal work, composer Antin Rudnytskyi, eminent text.

Author(s) citation:

Frait Oksana (2023). Pavlo Tychyna's poetry "Kyiv" interpreted by Anton Rudnytskyi: comparative analysis of manuscript and music printed version. Manuscript and book heritage of Ukraine, (31) 21-33. (In Ukrainan). doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/rksu.31.021


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