Барабаш Т. М. - Методика прочитання польських рукописів другої половини XVI – кінця XVIII ст.: теорія та практика (на прикладі матеріалів ЦДІА України, м. Львів) (2014)

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Barabash T.

Methodology of Polish manuscripts of the second half of XVI – late XVIIIcenturies reading: the theory and practice (via examples of the documents of the Central State Historical Archive of Ukraine, Lviv)

Abstract: Via examples of the documents of the Central State Historical Archive of Ukraine in Lviv we have presented the theoretical and practical theses of Polish documents of the XVI–XVIII centuries reading methodology. The theoretical part of the methodology includes: 1) Polish alphabet and writing general historical and graphical peculiarities definition; 2) analysis of graphics of types of writing, separate letters, numbers and abbreviations, used in Polish documents of the XVI–XVIII centuries; 3) letters, numbers, abbreviations etc graphic forms change demonstration; 4) the demonstration of the stated documents reading difficulties and addressing readability issues. The practical part is given as a set of appendices of different types: 1) examples of letters (capital and small) and numbers given in calligraphic writing manuals of the XVI – late XVIII centuries and selected from various documents; 2) fragments of official and non-official manuscript documents from the CSHAL, where calligraphical copybooks had been recorded. We have also developed general technical principles of manuscripts reading.

Keywords: Polish manuscript documents of the XVI–XVIII centuries, reading, calligraphy manuals, letters graphics, numbers graphics.

Author(s) citation:
  • Barabash T. (Lviv Centrale State Historical Archives of Ukraine)

Barabash T. (2014). Methodology of Polish manuscripts of the second half of XVI – late XVIIIcenturies reading: the theory and practice (via examples of the documents of the Central State Historical Archive of Ukraine, Lviv). Manuscript and book heritage of Ukraine, (18) 355-387. (In Ukrainan). - http://rksu.nbuv.gov.ua/doc/rks_2014_18_28