Review Form


All submissions to “Manuscript and Book Heritage of Ukraine” are subject to the mandatory editorial review process. It is as follows:

1. After receiving the electronic version of the manuscript, its external attributes are analyzed (design, adherence to standards in accordance with the requirements for professional publications in public sciences), correspondence of the submitted text to the thematic profile of the digest. In the response letter, the editorial advises the author/authors about receipt of the text and submits it for review.

2. The manuscript is submitted for review to specialized professionals, who have positively expressed themselves in the pursuit of academic integrity. Depending on the specifics of the text and its subject matter, there may be two or more reviewers.

3. Any references to the author are removed in the process of preparing for the review in order to respect the principle of anonymity. Reviewer's Form is sent together with the manuscript, which should indicate the results of the review: evaluation for scientific significance of the submitted material, its relevance and novelty, in general readiness for publication. The reviewer analyzes the text for features of plagiarism, draws attention to the presence of scientific apparatus, fixes any errors, remarks, and determines the need for revision.

4. The time for review is set individually, taking into account the volume and subject matter of the submitted text. The reviewer's response is free from the pressure and influence of the editors.

5. The results of the review shall be notified to the author/authors. In case of categorical disagreement with him/her regarding the expressed comments and recommendations, the article is rejected. The author has the right to express his/her own wishes and comments regarding the recommendations of the reviewer/reviewers - only the editorial staff of the digest informs him/her about it, keeping with anonymity. Scientific discussion between the author and the reviewer can take place only through the Editorial Board of “Manuscript and Book Heritage of Ukraine”. In case of incorrect behavior of the author as a scientist, the Editorial Board has the right to refuse to publish the article.

6. After editorial review, the text, corrected by the author, is transmitted to the members of the Editorial Board. They may express their comments, which the author must take into account, otherwise the manuscript is rejected.

7. The final decision on publication is made by the Editorial Board of “Manuscript and Book Heritage of Ukraine».

8. After publishing the next issue of the digest, the editorial office sends a link to each author for acquaintance with the full content of the publication.

The above procedure is basic for the work of the editorial staff with manuscripts. All force majeure circumstances that may arise during the review are discussed in the course of consultations and negotiations between the author and the digest editor.