Железняк М. Г. - "Енциклопедія Сучасної України" як багатоаспектне книжкове джерело: контент-аналіз цитувань, Іщенко О. С., Давиденко О. В., Очеретянко С. І. (2021)

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Zhelezniak Mykola, Ishchenko Oleksandr, Davydenko Oksana, Ocheretianko Svitlana

Encyclopedia of Modern Ukraine as multiple-aspect book source: content analysis of citations

Section: Informational resources of cultural heritage

Abstract: The goal of the research. This study aims to explore the encyclopedia citations in academic literature, by the case of the Encyclopedia of Modern Ukraine. This suggests performing a content analysis of scholarly publications (papers, monographs, dissertations) in which their contributors refer to the encyclopedia articles. Methodology. Scholarly publications have been selected in Google Academy for the query “Encyclopedia of Modern Ukraine” in Ukrainian (n=100). Citations from such publications were thematically categorized into: 1) definitions, 2) descriptions (arguments), 3) contributions of researchers (research results), 4) historical data (dates, events, and facts), 5) biographical information, 6) statistical data, 7) knowledge in encyclopedic, 8) undefined category. Research novelty. Most citations of the encyclopedia articles were identified as definitions of terms and concepts (30%) as well as descriptions of ideas, phenomena, processes, objects, etc. (22%). Less citations were categorized as biographical (12%), historical (10%), encyclopedic (7%), statistical (3%) information. In part of publications, encyclopedia articles have been cited as if these are original research (15%). In scholarly literature, examples of incorrect citations of the Encyclopedia of Modern Ukraine have been also identified. Conclusions. Compilers of encyclopedias should take note of the categories of encyclopedic information of the highest citation in the academic literature (this involves monitoring the clarity of wording, scrupulous verification of the data, improving the form of presentation of such information, etc.). The results of our study apply not only to the compilers of encyclopedias, but also to any researchers who refer to paper or online encyclopedias in their works, because in the scientific literature we notice cases of improper their citation.

Keywords: Encyclopedia of Modern Ukraine, citations, references, academic literature, scholarly publications, encyclopedia articles, encyclopedic, book source.

Author(s) citation:

Zhelezniak Mykola (2021). Encyclopedia of Modern Ukraine as multiple-aspect book source: content analysis of citations. Manuscript and book heritage of Ukraine, (27) 319-332. (In Ukrainan). doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/rksu.27.319


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