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Issue 27

Manuscript and book heritage of Ukraine
. - 2021. - Issue 27
  1. Титул.
  2. Зміст.
  3. Bilous Nataliya Testaments of citizens of Volynian towns in late 16th and 17th centuries: structural analysis and language features. - P. 5-20.
  4. Orlyk Vasyl, Shportun Oksana Information potential of documents from State Archives of Kyiv region concerning study of history of everyday life of state chamber’s officials in Naddniprianska Ukraine (late 18th – early 20th centuries). - P. 21-34.
  5. Іvanova Nataliya, Pakhalkova-Soich Tetiana, Prysiazhniuk Oksana Structural and compositional model of 18th century scientific text. - P. 35-56.
  6. Loshtyn Nazarii Materials on history of Lviv in fonds of Vasyl Stefanyk National Scientific Library of Ukraine in Lviv: history and prospects of research. - P. 57-70.
  7. Popova Tatiana "The Siberian Ladder" in Slavonic writing. - P. 71-81.
  8. Dundiak Iryna, Donets Olena Opanas Zalyvakha's authorial postcards: main points, contexts, visual images (based on materials from private archives). - P. 82-97.
  9. Rudyi Hryhorii As Source On History Of Formation And Development Of Ukrainian State-Building Process In 1917–1919 (based on materials of collection of rare newspapers of department of formation and use of newspaper fonds of V. I. Vernadskyi National Library of Ukraine). - P. 98-109.
  10. Halchenko Olena, Zinchenko Svitlana New evidence on activity of binderу of Mykhailo Sliozka in light of bibliopegistic research. - P. 110-139.
  11. Smoliy Valerii, Vermenych Yaroslava Ideas of national formation in Ukrainian intellectual space of 19th – early 20th centuries. - P. 140-155.
  12. Kovalchuk Halyna Attribution and expertise as focus areas in libraries with retrospective rare and valuable editions. - P. 156-165.
  13. Popyk Volodymyr Biography in publications of scientific and cultural centers of Western Ukrainian diaspora. - P. 166-180.
  14. Paliyenko Maryna, Sribniak Ihor Book movement at Ukrainian prisoners’ of war Freistadt camp (Austro-Hungary) in 1915–1918. - P. 181-192.
  15. Tkachenko Ihor, Matviichuk Larysa Problems of formation of Ukrainian national press in opinions of Mykhailo Hrushevskyi and Yevhen Chykalenko. - P. 193-210.
  16. Vakulchuk Olha Historiography of mass-circulation newspapers of the 1920s and 1940s as a component of Soviet periodicals. - P. 211-220.
  17. Karoyeva Tetiana Tactics of books acquisition for public libraries of Right-Bank Ukraine before introduction of library censorship (1866–1884). - P. 221-238.
  18. Lytvyn Serhii Creative heritage of Taras Shevchenko in life and activity of Symon Petliura. - P. 239-249.
  19. Astaptseva Khrystyna Interwar Lviv fashion designer, fashion editor and columnist Elia Olesnytska: materials for biography. - P. 250-269.
  20. Chernukhin Yevhen To 200th anniversary of Greek revolution of 1821: Sophronios Kalligas about Othoman occupation of Athos in 1821–1830. - P. 270-284.
  21. Kashevarova Nataliya Analytical note of F.-J. Starke in context of Nazi library policy in Ukraine during World War II. - P. 285-303.
  22. Kravchuk Oleksandr Figure of Tomash Masaryk in perception of Yakiv Ohorodnyk. - P. 304-318.
  23. Zhelezniak Mykola, Ishchenko Oleksandr, Davydenko Oksana, Ocheretianko Svitlana Encyclopedia of Modern Ukraine as multiple-aspect book source: content analysis of citations. - P. 319-332.
  24. Боряк Г. В., Дубровіна Л. А. Деміург передусім означає Майстер, точніше – Вільний Ремісник (Роздуми над книжкою: Потульницький В. А. Деміург. Історіософія Омеляна Пріцака. Харків: Акта, 2021). - P. 333-340.
  25. Vasyliuk Oksana Volodymyr Minorskyi’s collection of letters and photos from Iran at fonds of Institute of Manuscript of V. I. Vernadskyi National Library of Ukraine. - P. 341-357.
  26. Bubenok Oleh “History of Khazars” by A. Yu. Krymskyi in fonds of Institute of Manuscript of V. I. Vernadskyi National Library of Ukraine. - P. 358-366.
  27. Korchemna Iryna, Zubkova Nataliya Personal archive of Ahatanhel Krymskyi at Institute of Manuscript of V. I. Vernadskyi National Library of Ukraine: history of formation and review of new acquisitions in 2013–2020. - P. 367-378.
  28. Анонс нових видань Інституту рукопису. - P. 385-387.
  29. Вихідні відомості.