Sharipova L. - Polonisation and all that, or religious identity and cultural change in Ruthenia: the Union of Lublin and the myths of "polonisation" (2016)

  ARCHIVE (All issues) /     Content (2016, Issue 20)Ukrainian English

Sharipova L.

Polonisation and all that, or religious identity and cultural change in Ruthenia: the Union of Lublin and the myths of "polonisation"

Section: Studies in Special Historical Disciplines

Abstract: The article presents a review of an obsolete historiographic statement saying that an ultimate aftermath of the Union of Lublin signed in Poland in 1569, which caused the incorporation of Ukrainian lands of Grand Duchy of Lithuania to the Kingdom of Poland, was the forced polonisation of Orthodox people. As way of replacement for this oversimplified scheme, grounded on Ukrainian populist historiography of the 19th ct., complemented with the elements of Polish nationalistic and Russian imperial historiographic traditions, the author presents a new model, based on an assimilation formula. According to the formula, Orthodox szlachta people conversion to Protestantism and later to Catholicism initiated their loss of self-identification with Ukraine-Ruthenia cultural space. The process intensified as the Orthodox Church lost its legitimate status after the Church Union of Brest of 1596 and finished with an ultimate merger of this social group with the Polish Catholic elite in the early 17th century

Keywords: historiography, Union of Lublin of 1569, Church Union of Brest of 1596, polonisation, religious conversion, self-identification

Author(s) citation:

Sharipova L. (2016). Polonisation and all that, or religious identity and cultural change in Ruthenia: the Union of Lublin and the myths of "polonisation". Manuscript and book heritage of Ukraine, (20) 366-377. doi:


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  7. Sysyn, F. E. (1985). Between Poland and the Ukraine. The dilemma of Adam Kysil, 1600–1653 (pp. 19, 21). Cambridge, MA. [In English].
  8. Magocsi, P. R. (1996). A history of Ukraine (p. 149). Toronto. [In English].
  9. Yakovenko, N. (2010). A “portrait” and “self-portrait” of the borderlands: the cultural and geographic image of “Ukraine” in the sixteenth and early seventeenth centuries. In O. A. Andriewsky, Z. E. Kohut, S. Plokhy, and L. Wolff, Eds., Tentorium honorum: essays presented to Frank E. Sysyn on his sixtieth birthday (p. 499). Toronto. [In English].
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  11. Head, R. H. (2008). Jenatsch’s axe: social boundaries, identity, and myth in the era of the Thirty Years’ War (pp. 34–35). Rochester, NY. [In English]; how the same principle applied to Ruthenia is discussed in Sysyn, F. E. (1982). Regionalism and Political Thought in Seventeenth-Century Ukraine: The Nobility’s Grievances at the Diet of 1641. In Harvard Ukrainian Studies, Vol. 6, No. 2, pp. 171–172. [In English].
  12. Yakovenko, N. (1993). Zdobutky i vtraty Liublinskoi unii [Achievements and losses of Lublin Union]. In Kyivska starovyna [Kyiv antiquity], 3, p. 82. [In Uktrainian]. This parallel between the Union of Lublin and cultural change in the Ukrainian lands reemerges in her later work: Yakovenko, N. (2002). Topos “ziednanykh narodiv” u panehirykakh kniaziam Ostrozkym i Zaslavskym (bilia vytokiv ukrainskoi identychnosti) [Topos of “connected nations” in the panegyrics to Ostrogski and Zasławski princes (origins of Ukrainian identity)]. In Paralelnyi svit: doslidzhennia z istorii uiavlen ta idei v Ukraini XVI–XVII st. [Parallel world: studies of the history of conceptions and ideas in Ukraine in the 16–17th centuries] (p. 243). Kyiv. [In Ukrainian].
  13. Yakovenko, N. (1993). Zdobutky i vtraty Liublinskoi unii [Achievements and losses of Lublin Union]. In Kyivska starovyna [Kyiv antiquity], 3, pp. 83–84. [In Ukrainian].
  14. Kaminskyi, A. S. (2011). Istoriia Rechi pospolytoi yak istoriia bahatokh narodiv, 1505–1795. Hromadiany, ikhnia derzhava, suspilstvo, kultura [History of Rzeczpospolita as the history of multiple nations. 1505–1795. Citizens, their state, society and culture] (p. 63). Kyiv. [In Ukrainian].
  15. Sysyn, F. E. (1985). Between Poland and the Ukraine. The dilemma of Adam Kysil,1600–1653 (p. 35). Cambridge, MA. [In English].
  16. Yakovenko, N. (2002). Polsha i poliaky u shkilnykh pidruchnykakh istorii, abo vidlunnia dalekoho i blyzkoho mynuloho [Poland and Polish people in school history workbooks or the echo of far and near past]. In Paralelnyi svit: doslidzhennia z istorii uiavlen ta idei v Ukraini XVI–XVII st. [Parallel world: studies of the history of conceptions and ideas in Ukraine in the 16–17th centuries] (p. 369). Kyiv. [In Ukrainian].
  17. See Sharipova, L. (2015). Orthodox reform in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth.In H. Louthan, G. Murdock, Eds., A Companion to the Reformation in Central Europe (pp. 223–253, Brill’s companions to the Christian tradition, 61). Leiden, Boston. [In English]. doi:
  18. Levitckii, O. (1882). Sotcinianstvo v Polshe i Iugo-Zapadnoi Rusi [Socinianism in Poland and South-West Rus]. In Kievskaia starina [Kyiv antiquity], 2, p. 29. [In Russian].
  19. Yakovenko, N. (2002). Relihiini konversii: sproba pohliadu zseredyny [Religious conversions: an attempt to look from the inside]. In Paralelnyi svit: doslidzhennia z istorii uiavlen ta idei v Ukraini XVI–XVII st. [Parallel world: studies of the history of conceptions and ideas in Ukraine in the 16–17th centuries] (p. 33). Kyiv. [In Ukrainian].
  20. Levitckii, O. (1882). Sotcinianstvo v Polshe i Iugo-Zapadnoi Rusi [Socinianism in Poland and South-West Rus]. In Kievskaia starina [Kyiv antiquity], 2, p. 56. [In Russian].
  21. Crăciun, M. (1997). Protestantism and Orthodoxy in 16th-Century Moldavia. In K. Maag, Ed., The Reformation in Eastern and Central Europe (p. 133). Aldershot. [In English]; Dmitriev, M. (2007). Western Christianity and Eastern Orthodoxy. In Po-Chia Hsia, R., Ed., Reform and Expansion, 1500–1660 (pp. 333– 334, The Cambridge History of Christianity, 6). Cambridge. [In English].
  22. Williams, G. (1978). Protestants in the Ukraine during the Period of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. In Harvard Ukrainian Studies, 2, p. 42. [In English].
  23. By 1649 only twelve seats were held by secular Protestant and Orthodox senators: Yakovenko, N. (2002). Relihiini konversii: sproba pohliadu zseredyny [Religious conversions: an attempt to look from the inside]. In Paralelnyi svit: doslidzhennia z istorii uiavlen ta idei v Ukraini XVI–XVII st. [Parallel world: studies of the history of conceptions and ideas in Ukraine in the 16–17th centuries] (p. 34). Kyiv. [In Ukrainian].
  24. Pamiatniki polemicheskoi literatury v Zapadnoi Rusi [Polemic literature memorials in Western Europe] (Vol. 3, pp. 213–114, Russkaia istoricheskaia biblioteka [Russian historical library], 19). (1903). Saint Petersburg. [In Russian].
  25. See Levitckii, O. (1883). Predislovie [Preface]. In Arkhiv Iugo-Zapadnoi Rossii [Archive of South-West Russia], Pt. 1, Vol. 4, pp. 48–49. Kyiv. [In Russian]; Dovbyshchenko, M. V. (2008). Volynska shliakhta u relihiinykh rukhakh kintsia XVI–pershoi polovyny XVII st. [Noble people of Volyn in religious movements of the late 16th – first half of the 17th centuries] (pp. 465–466). Kyiv. [In Ukrainian].
  26. See Yakovenko, N. (2002). Relihiini konversii: sproba pohliadu zseredyny [Religious conversions: an attempt to look from the inside]. In Paralelnyi svit: doslidzhennia z istorii uiavlen ta idei v Ukraini XVI–XVII st. [Parallel world: studies of the history of conceptions and ideas in Ukraine in the 16–17th centuries] (pp. 38–39). Kyiv. [In Ukrainian].
  27. See Jobert, A. (1974). De Luther à Mohila: la Pologne dans la crise de la Chrétienté, 1517–1648 (p. 322). Paris. [In French].
  28. Gudziak, B. (1998). Crisis and reform: the Kyivan Metropolitanate, the Patriarchate of Constantinople, and the genesis of the Union of Brest. Cambridge, MA. [In English].
  29. Princess Anna Koretska-Khodkevychivna (†1626) converted to Calvinism before moving on to Antitrinitarianism and some form of “Judaising”: Fond 312, Unit 60 (367), Folio 10 re. Institute of Manuscript, V. Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine. [In Ukrainian]; also Arkhiv Iugo-Zapadnoi Rossii [Archive of South-West Russia], Pt. 1, Vol. 7, p. 66. (1887). Kyiv. [In Russian]; Yakovenko, N. (2011). “Pogreb tilu moiemu vybyraiu s predky moiemy”: mistsia pokhovan volynskykh kniaziv [“I choose my grave to be where my ancestors are buried”: burial places of Volyn princes]. In Ukraina: kulturna spadshchyna, natsionalna svidomist, derzhavnist [Ukraine: cultural heritage, national conscience and sovereignty], pp. 784–808. Lviv. [In Ukrainian]; Yakovenko, N. (2012). Dzerkala identychnosti: doslidzhennia z istorii uiavlen ta idei v Ukraini XVI – pochatku XVIII stolittia [Mirrors of identity: studies of the history of conceptions and ideas in Ukraine in the 16th – early 18th centuries] (pp. 114–115.). Kyiv. [In Ukrainian].
Дубровіна Л. А. - Повернення з Німеччини до України "Софійської Грамоти" Петра І митрополитові Іоасафу Кроковському 1708 року: українсько-німецька історія Грамоти та перспективи реституції культурних цінностей, Гества K. (2019)

  ARCHIVE (All issues) /     Content (2019, Issue 24)Ukrainian English

Dubrovina Lyubov, Gestwa Klaus

Return from Germany to Ukraine of the "Sofian Charter" of Peter the Great on the Metropolitan Appointment of Ioasaph Krokovskyi in 1708: Ukrainian-German History of the Original Charter and Prospects for Restitution of Cultural Valuables

Abstract: The goal of the article is to cover the ceremony and the German-Ukrainian scientific colloquium dedicated to the return from Germany to Ukraine of the Charter of tsar Peter the Great, on the appointment of Metropolitan Joasaph Krokovskyi in 1708. The Charter was taken from the fоnds of the V. I. Vernadskyi Library during World War II and ended up at the Institute of East European History and Local History of Tubingen University. The colloquium was attended by German and Ukrainian scientists. Natalia Sinkevich revealed the historical significance of the Charter, the history of the Charter and the personality of Metropolitan Joasaph Krokovskyi himself. Tetyana Cebta traced the history of the Charter to 1941 and proved her belonging to the collection of St. Sophia Cathedral, stored at the Institute of Manuscript of the V. I. Vernadskyi National Library of Ukraine. Korinna Kur-Korolev investigated the circumstances of the export of Charters from the library during the Second World War according to the documents of the German archives; Katarina Kucher revealed the history of the Charter at the Institute of East European History and Local History of Tubingen University and the work of experts on the return of the diploma. Wolfgang Eichwede shared the experience of transferring another Charter of the St. Sophia collection, issued by Peter the Great in 1700 to Metropolitan Varlaam Yasynskyi, together with the director of the Goethe Institute Kyiv branch, Countess Ute Baudissin, the return of the painting by Hans von Mare from Kyiv to Bremen. Halyna Kovalchuk, Olga Stepchenko (Kyiv) brought attention to the history of the formation of the collection in St. Sophia Cathedral, disclosed the contents of the unique book and manuscript collection stored in the V. I. Vernadskyi Library. Klaus Gestwa and Lyubov Dubrovina discussed the results of the research of the Charter. The Return of the Charter is an example of fruitful scientific cooperation between scientists from Germany and Ukraine, an effective solution to the issue of the return of expropriated cultural values. The location of many expropriated materials remains unknown today. Therefore, it is important to develop international cultural and scientific cooperation, and the creationof the State Registry of Lost Cultural Property.

Keywords: St. Sophia Charter of Peter the Great, displacement of cultural property, World War II, Institute of East European History and Local History of Tubingen University,V. I. Vernadskyi National Library of Ukraine.

Author(s) citation:

Dubrovina Lyubov (2019). Return from Germany to Ukraine of the "Sofian Charter" of Peter the Great on the Metropolitan Appointment of Ioasaph Krokovskyi in 1708: Ukrainian-German History of the Original Charter and Prospects for Restitution of Cultural Valuables. Manuscript and book heritage of Ukraine, (24) 329-342. doi:


  1. Povernennia v Ukrainu hramoty Petra I Ioasafu Krokovskomu 1708 r.: materialy urochystoho peredannia Hramoty ta ukrainsko-nimetskoho kolokviumu 30 travnia 2019 r. z istorii unikalnoho dokumenta Sofiiskoi kolektsii [The returning to Ukraine of the Peter the First Charter to Joasaph Krokovskyi, 1708: Materials of the solemn transfer of the Charter and Ukrainian-German colloquium on May 30, 2019, on the history of the unique dokument from St. Sophia collection]. (2019). L. Dubrovina, T. Arseienko, Z. Sharikova (Comps.). [In Ukrainian].
  2. Kur-Korolev, K., Kukher, K., Sinkevych, N., Sebta, T. Trofei viiny: istoriia vyvezenoi z Kyieva hramoty Petra I ta nimetski studii Sxidnoi Yevropy do I pislia 1945 r. [Tropheis of war: a history of the Peter the First Charter exported from Kyiv and German Sudies on the East Europe before and after 1945]. (2017). In Bibliotechnyi visnyk [Library Bulletin]. No. 1.
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  4. Dubrovina, L. A., Onyshchenko, O. S. Istoriia Natsionalnoi biblioteky Ukrainy imeni V. I. Vernadskoho. 1941–1964 [History of V. I. Vernadskyi National Library of Ukraine. 1941–1964]. (2003). Kyiv. [In Ukrainian].
  5. Dubrovina, L. A., Onyshchenko, O. S. Istoriia Natsionalnoi biblioteky Ukrainy imeni V. I. Vernadskoho. 1918–1941 [History of V. I. Vernadskyi National Library of Ukraine. 1918–1941].(1998). Kyiv. [In Ukrainian].
  6. Barvinok, V, I, Zahalnyi ohliad starodrukiv kyivskykh bibliotek [General review of the early printed book in Kyiv libraries]. (1924). In Bibliolohichni visti [Bibliological news]. Kyiv. [In Ukrainian].
  7. Hnatenko, L. Zibrannia rukopysnykh knyh ta arkhiv Sofiiskoho soboru [Collection of manuscripts and archives of the St. Sophia Cathedral]. (2015). In Arkhivy, kolektsii ta zibrannia derzhavnykh, hromadskykh ta relihiinykh ustanov u fondakh Instytutu rukopysu Natsionalnoi Biblioteky Ukrainy imeni V. I. Vernadskoho. Putivnyk [Archives and collections of the state, public and religious institutions in the fonds of Institute of Manuscript of V. I. Vernadskyi National Library of Ukraine. Fonds’ Guide]. Kyiv. [In Ukrainian].
Добровольська В. В. - Критерії та пріоритети відбору об’єктів історико-культурної документальної спадщини для оцифрування, Калініна-Симончук Ю. С. (2020)

  ARCHIVE (All issues) /     Content (2020, Issue 25)Ukrainian English

Dobrovolska Viktoriya, Kalinina-Symonchuk Yuliya

Criteria and priorities for selecting objects of historical and cultural documentary heritage for digitization

Section: Information Resource of Cultural Heritage

Abstract: The purpose of this work is to identify and generalize the criteria for selecting historical and cultural documentary heritage objects for digitization and further preservation and providing access for users. The research methodology consists of applying general scientific and special methods, in particular, the system approach, analysis, synthesis, logical method, and visualization of research results. The scientific novelty of the work lies in identifying different approaches and a developed system of criteria and priorities, generalizing these criteria for selecting historical and cultural documentary heritage objects for digitization and the conditions to be taken into account, as well as the need for a coordinated position of various departments in this direction, attracting official expertise to determine the sequence and priorities to avoid duplication of digitization. Conclusions. The selection of objects of historical and cultural documentary heritage for digitization is a task that must maintain a balance between the national significance of the funds for the history of national states and the history of mankind, the user's requests and the task of preserving the funds. Digitization offers significant benefits to users of digital cultural resources. The main criteria for selecting objects for digitization are: value, uniqueness, and rarity of documents; documents related to objects of national heritage; documents that have research value; and documents that have an unsatisfactory physical condition; documents that threaten to lose information; documents in high demand and publications that are available in limited quantities. The main goal of selecting cultural heritage objects for digitization is to promote the establishment of Ukrainian identity, the introduction of digital objects of national memory of Ukraine and world heritage into a wide social circulation, and the integration of various Ukrainian digital cultural information resources into a single information system.

Keywords: objects of historical and cultural documentary heritage, digitization, digital resources, preservation of cultural heritage.

Author(s) citation:

Dobrovolska Viktoriya (2020). Criteria and priorities for selecting objects of historical and cultural documentary heritage for digitization. Manuscript and book heritage of Ukraine, (25) 310-323. doi:


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Kashevarova N. - Documents of the Main Office for Science of the Rosenberg Office as Sources on the Ideological Component of Nazi Policy in the Occupied Territory of Eastern Europe during World War II (2020)

  ARCHIVE (All issues) /     Content (2020, Issue 26)Ukrainian English

Kashevarova Nataliia

Documents of the Main Office for Science of the Rosenberg Office as Sources on the Ideological Component of Nazi Policy in the Occupied Territory of Eastern Europe during World War II

Abstract: The purpose of the research is to characterize the documents of the Main Office for Science (German: Haupamt Wissenschaft) by the Commissioner of the Fuehrer for the Supervision of the Entire Intellectual and Ideo-logical Schooling and Training of the NSDAP (German: Beauftragter des Führers für die Überwachung der gesamten geistigen und weltanschaulichen Schulung und Erziehung der NSDAP, and related materials of A. Rosenberg’s other structures as the sources on the ideological component of the Third Reich’s struggle against Bolshevism and their significance for information or ideological component of the Nazi occupation policy in the occupied territo-ries of Eastern Europe. The research methodology consists of historical-archival, historical-comparative research methods, source analysis methods. The scientific novelty is determined by the fact that the materials of the Rosenberg Office and the documents of the Main Office for Science, in particular, have not yet been the subject of a separate comprehensive scientific archival and source review for their possible use as the historical sources on the ideological component of Nazi policy, vision of connection between science and ideology, participation of the Main Office for Science in the so-called «ideological struggle» against Bolshevism, collection of scientific informa-tion in the occupied territories of Eastern Europe, in particular, the USSR. Although these documents are familiar to German researchers, the latter used them as the sources to determine the Rosenberg Office›s place in the NSDAP system and its significance for domestic party policy in the Third Reich. Conclusions. The analysis of the documents from the Main Office for Science of the Rosenberg Office allows us to conclude that a number of his documents for 1942–1945, as well as related documents of the Special Staff Science (German: Sonderstab Wissenschaft), which represented the interests of the department at the Special Command Force of Reichsleiter Alfred Rosenberg orReichsleiter Rosenberg Taskforce (German: Einsatzstab Reichsleiter Rosenberg), contain the interesting and valuable information not only on the connection between National Socialist ideology and science but also on the collection and processing of various information about the state of science in the Soviet Union, especially the materials of scientific content, consolidated data about state of Soviet scientific institutions during the Nazi occupation, etc. This information has so far been little known or not introduced into scientific circulation at all, but it may be useful to researchers of the history of World War II.

Keywords: World War II, Main Office for Science by the Commissioner of the Fuehrer for the Supervision of the Entire Intellectual and Ideological Schooling and Training of the NSDAP, Special Staff Science, Reichsleiter Rosenberg Taskforce, ideology, propaganda, Bolshevism.

Author(s) citation:

Kashevarova Nataliia (2020). Documents of the Main Office for Science of the Rosenberg Office as Sources on the Ideological Component of Nazi Policy in the Occupied Territory of Eastern Europe during World War II. Manuscript and book heritage of Ukraine, (26) 239-257. doi:


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  12. Kashevarova N. H. Dialnist Operatyvnoho shtabu Rozenberga z vyvchennia natsystamy «skhidnoho prostoru» (1940–1945) [The ERR activities on the nazi Ostraum study (1940–1945)]. Pt. 1: Dzhereloznavche doslidzhennia [Source Study], Pt. 2: Dokumenty [Documents]. Kyiv: Instytut istorii Ukrainy, 2014. [In Ukrainian, in German].
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  16. Ibid., NS 8/228. [In German].
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  18. Hauptampt Wissenschaft (Berlin) / Guide to the YIVO Archives.
  19. Hauptamt Wissenschaft (RG 216) / The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum.
  20. Kashevarova N. G., Maloletova N. I. (2006). Deiatelnost Operativnogo shtaba reikhsljaitera Rosenberga v okkupirovannoj Evrope v period Vtoroj myrovoj vojny: spravochnyk-ukazatel arkhivnykh dokumentov iz kievskykh sobranyj [Activities of the Einsatzstab Reichsleiter Rosenberg in occupied Europe] / NAN Ukrainy; Natsionalnaja biblioteka Ukrainy im. V.I.Vernadskoho [i dr.]. Kyiv: NBU ym. V. Y. Vernadskoho. [In Russian].
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  22. NS 15. Der Beauftragte des Führers für die Überwachung der gesamten geistigen und weltanschaulichen Schulung und Erziehung der NSDAP / Bundesarchiv. [In German].
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  24. Kollektsiia dokumentov Operativnogo shtaba reikhsliaitera Rosenberga [Records of the Einsatzstab Reichsleiter Rosenberg]. / Tsentralnyi derzhavnyi arkhiv vyshchykh orhaniv vlady ta upravlinnia Ukrainy [Central State Archives of Supreme Bodies of Power and Government of Ukraine]. [In Russian, in German].
  25. Tsentralnyi derzhavnyi arkhiv vyshchykh orhaniv vlady ta upravlinnia Ukrainy [Central State Archives of Supreme Bodies of Power and Government f Ukraine]. Fond. 3676. Inventory 1. Unit. 141. [In German].
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Batanova T. - Documents about the activity of the Jewish political parties in the Ukrainian Central Rada in Kyiv archives and the collection of Judaica Department of V. I. Vernadskyi National Library of Ukraine: custodial history, structure and content (2020)

  ARCHIVE (All issues) /     Content (2020, Issue 26)Ukrainian English

Batanova Tetiana

Documents about the activity of the Jewish political parties in the Ukrainian Central Rada in Kyiv archives and the collection of Judaica Department of V. I. Vernadskyi

Abstract: The aim of the research is to review custodial history, structure and content of documents about the activity of five Jewish political parties in the Ukrainian Central Rada (1917–1918), which are now preserved in several Kyiv state archives (the Central State Archives of Public Organizations of Ukraine, the Central State Archives of Supreme Bodies of Power and Government of Ukraine, the State Archives of Kyiv Region) and Judaica Department of V. I. Vernadskyi National Library of Ukraine.The methodology of the research includes historical-chronological, historical-systematic, and historical-typological approaches. The aforementioned methodological approaches allow to trace the complicated custodial history of the complex of documents and to determine structure, content,and types of documents. The scientific novelty of the paper. The analysis of documents of the Jewish political parties as a complex introduces rare documents from the history of the Jewish representation in the Ukrainian Central Rada and revolutionary period in Ukraine into the scientific circulation, also covers development of archival studies, establishment of new archives and principles of archival work. Conclusions. The documents of five Jewish political parties about their activity in the Ukrainian Central Rada (1917–1918) are now distributed in several Kyiv state archives (the Central State Archives of Public Organizations of Ukraine, the Central State Archives of Supreme Bodies of Power and Government of Ukraine, the State Archives of Kyiv Region) and Judaica Department of V. I. Vernadskyi National Library of Ukraine. Analyzing their custodial history, structure and content, it might be argued that the majority of the documents used to be one complex, a part of one collection from Kultur-lige archives. The further custodial history of these documents might be topic for case study in history of Soviet archival institutions, collections and archival studies in general.

Keywords: documents, archives, Jewish political parties, Ukrainian Central Rada, revolution, Kultur-lige

Author(s) citation:

Batanova Tetiana (2020). Documents about the activity of the Jewish political parties in the Ukrainian Central Rada in Kyiv archives and the collection of Judaica Department of V. I. Vernadskyi . Manuscript and book heritage of Ukraine, (26) 311-324. doi:


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Іванова Н. Г. - Структурна та композиційна модель наукового тексту XVІІІ століття, Пахалкова-Соіч Т. В., Присяжнюк О. Я. (2021)

  ARCHIVE (All issues) /     Content (2021, Issue 27)Ukrainian English

Іvanova Nataliya, Pakhalkova-Soich Tetiana, Prysiazhniuk Oksana

Structural and compositional model of 18th century scientific text

Section: Studies of Archival and Book Fonds

Abstract: The aim of the article is to study the structure of the 18th century French scientific text “Herbier Medical.1759” and, having considered its main logical and semantic components, ontological and functional features,to describe its structural and compositional model. Research methodology. The study revealed the integrateduse of the following methods: descriptive (when inventorying and systematizing the features of the monument);structural with elements of component and distributive analysis (when studying the internal organization of theanalyzed text); quantitative method (specifying the relationship between chapters with different paragraphs).Scientific novelty. It was determined that the title page “Herbier Medical. 1759” is a headline complex that conveysa textual thematic chain; the page is expositional; the introduction is a detailed description of herbal medicines’types on the next four pages; the concentrated content of the manuscript is presented on two pages in theform of a detailed classification of medicinal plants. Having studied the paragraph division of the chaptersdescribing 21 sections of medicinal plants, the authors have identified permanent and volatile components, which ultimately led to the creation of a six-component composite model. Conclusions. In this article, a previouslyunpublished French scientific text of 1759 is introduced into scientific circulation and described, taking into accountits logical-semantic organization on the basis of cognitive and communicative analysis, and ultimately contributesto the study of the history of 18th century natural science and linguistic knowledge. We consider such studies aspromising and necessary that will represent the linguoculturological analysis of phytonyms in “Herbier Medical.1759”, a systematic description of its calligraphy, etc.

Keywords: the Herbarium of I. I. Mechnikov Odesa National University (MSUD), the 18th century manuscript“Herbier Medical contenant vingt et une classes de plantes usuelles dont on fait le plus frequemment usage dansla pratique de la Medecine Rangées selon les vertus qui leur sont les plus generallement reconnues”, French scientifictext of 1759.

Author(s) citation:

Іvanova Nataliya (2021). Structural and compositional model of 18th century scientific text. Manuscript and book heritage of Ukraine, (27) 35-56. doi:


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  3. Ivanova N. H., Tarasova O. A. Koheziya, koherentnist ta tematychna prohresiya: frankomovnyi naukovyi manuskrypt XVIII stolittia [Cohesion, coherence and thematic progression: the 18th century French scientific manuscript]. Modalități conceptuale de dezvoltare a științei moderne: colecție de lucrări științifice «ΛΌГOΣ» cu materiale conferinței științifice și practice internaționale. Vol. 3, 20 noiembrie 2020. Bucureşti, România, 2020. Pp. 101–102. [In Ukrainian].
  4. Kovalenko S. H., Bondarenko O. Yu. Skarby herbariyu Odeskoho natsionalnoho universytetu im. I. I. Mechnykova. Travnyk XVIII storichchia [Herbarium treasures of I. I. Mechnikov Odesa National University. Herbier of the 18th century]. Visnyk Odeskoho natsionalnoho universytetu [Odesa National University bulletin]. Odesa, 2005. Vol. 10, iss. 5, pp. 191–198. [In Ukrainian].
  5. Kovalenko S. H. Herbariy Odeskoho natsionalnoho universytetu im. I. I. Mechnykova. Herbarii Ukrainy [Herbarium of I. I. Mechnikov Odesa National University. Index Herbariorum Ucrainicum] / N. M. Shyian (Ed.). Kyiv, 2011. Pp. 222–233. [In Ukrainian].
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  7. Herbier Medical contenant vingt et une classes de plantes usuelles dont on fait le plus frequemment usage dans la pratique de la Medecine Rangées selon les vertus qui leur sont les plus generallement reconnues. Manuscript. 1759. 156 p. [In French].
  8. Ivanova N. Herbier manuscript du XVIIIème siècle: Particularités de sa calligraphie [18th century handwritten herbarium. Features of its calligraphy]. INTERTEXT. Nr. 3/4 (39/40). 10th year. Chişinău, ULIM, 2016. Pp. 112–126.
Попова Т. Г. - "Сибiрський Лiствичник" в слов’янській писемностi (2021)

  ARCHIVE (All issues) /     Content (2021, Issue 27)Ukrainian English

Popova Tatiana

"The Siberian Ladder" in Slavonic writing

Section: Studies of Archival and Book Fonds

Abstract: The aim of the research. The aim of the research is to draw specialists’ attention to the manuscripts of themonument of Slavic literature of the 17th century, known in science as the «Siberian Ladder», the author of whichis traditionally considered to be the Siberian Metropolitan Filofey Leshchinsky. The methodology of the study.The main research method is the linguistic-textological method of analyzing manuscripts. In addition, descriptiveand statistical methods of material analysis are used in the research. The scientific novelty. The article is the firstto express the hypothesis that the author of the «Siberian Ladder» book may be a monk who lived at the end ofthe 17th century in one of the Kyiv monasteries, since the oldest manuscripts of the monument were in use in Kyiv.A systematized updated information on the corpus of manuscripts with the text of «Siberian Ladder» is given. Achronological list of codes with the text of the monument is attached to the article. A total of 32 manuscripts withthe text are named. This list includes 4 books, the fate of which is unknown, with the aim of the possible discoveryof these manuscripts in the future. 14 of the 28 books that have survived nowadays are kept in the collections of theInstitute of Manuscripts of the Library of the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine: in the collection of the Kyiv-PecherskLavra (10), in the collection of Saint Sophia Cathedral (2), in the collection of Kyiv Spiritual Academy (1) and in thecollection of Mykolaivskyi monastery (1). In addition, manuscripts with the text of the «Siberian Ladder» are in thecollections of Russia (5), Romania (4), Greece (3), Lithuania (1) and Belarus (1). Conclusions. It is necessary to carryout a thorough comprehensive historical and philological analysis of the oldest Kyiv manuscripts with the text ofthe «Siberian Ladder». As a result of this analysis, the hypothesis stated in the article about the creation of a bookin a Kyiv monastery by one of the monks of this monastery may be confirmed (perhaps the name of this monk willalso be found). In this case, the opinion established in science that the author of the work was Metropolitan FilofeyLeshchinsky can be debunked. On the other hand, it is necessary to study the biography of Filofey Leshchinsky (theKyiv period of his life) carefully. As a result of this analysis, the hypothesis that the «Siberian Ladder» belongs toMetropolitan Filofey may be confirmed.

Keywords: «Siberian Ladder», Filofey Leshchinsky, «Ladder» of John Climacus, manuscript collections, OldRussian literature.

Author(s) citation:

Popova Tatiana (2021). "The Siberian Ladder" in Slavonic writing. Manuscript and book heritage of Ukraine, (27) 71-81. doi:


  1. Panaitescu P. P. Catalogul manuscriselor slavo-române şi slave din Biblioteca Academiei Române. Bucureşti, 2003. Vol. II. (No. 301–600). [In Romanian].
  2. Parpulov G. R. Cyrillic Manuscripts in U.S. Public Collections: A Catalogue. Palaeoslavica. Cambridge – Massachusetts, 2010. Vol. 17 (2), pp. 1–53. [In English].
  3. Popova T. G. Die Leiter zum Paradies des Johannes Klimakos. Katalog der slavischen Handschriften. Köln–Weimar–Wien: Boehlau-Verlag, 2012. [In German and in Russian]. doi:
  4. Popova T. G. The Greek Manuscripts with the Text of the Ladder of Saint John Climacus: a Preliminary Skeleton List. Aachen: Shaker Verlag, 2018. [In English].
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  7. Dergacheva-Skop E. I., Soboleva L. S. Malenkaia zametka o bolshom nedorazumenii, ili byl li Sviatoi Filofei Leshchinskii avtorom Sibirskogo Lestvichnika? [A small note about a big misunderstanding, or Whether Saint Philothei (Leshchinsky) was the author of Sibirskij Lestvichnik?]. Studia Slavica et Balcanica Petropolitana. St. Petersburg, 2019. Vol. 1 (25), pp. 193–200. [In Russian]. doi:
  8. Popova T. G. Kievskie rukopisi Lestvitsy Ioanna Sinaiskogo [Kiev Manuscripts of the Ladder of John Climacus]. Rukopysna ta knyzhkova spadschyna Ukrainy [Manuscript and Book Heritage of Ukraine]. Kyiv, 2019. Iss. 23, pp. 56–71. [In Russian]. doi:
  9. Popova T. G. Lestvica Ioanna Sinaiskogo v perevode Paisiia Velichkovskogo [The Ladder of John Climacus in the Translation of Paisius Velichkovsky]. Afonska spadshchyna. Naukovyi almanah. Vydannia Mizhnarodnoho instytutu afonskoi spadshchyny v Ukraini [Athos Heritage. Scientific almanac. Edition of the International Institute of Athos Heritage in Ukraine]. Kyiv-Chernihiv: Publishing of University, 2016. Vol. 3–4, pp. 186–196. [In Russian].
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  13. Sviatitel Filofey Leshchinskii. Sibirskii Lestvichnik [Saint Filofey Leshchinsky. Siberian Ladder] / M. Bakulin, T. Saifullin (Eds.). Tyumen: Russian Week, Tyumen Publishing House, 2015. [In Russian].
Добролюбська Ю. А. - Стародрук Марка Фабія Квінтіліана з фонду бібліотеки Південноукраїнського національного педагогічного університету імені К. Д. Ушинського, Присяжнюк О. М. (2022)

  ARCHIVE (All issues) /     Content (2022, Issue 28)Ukrainian English

Dobrolyubska Yuliya, Prysiazhniuk Oleksii

Old print by Mark Fabius Quintilian from the library of the K. D. Ushynsky South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University

Section: Studies of Archival and Book Fonds

Abstract: The aim of the work is to analyze the historical context of the origin and content of the legacy of Marc Fabius Quintilian on the basis of the invented old print «Instructions to the Orator» in 1665. The research methodology is a set of principles of historicism, objectivity, systematics. The main research methods are historiographical and bibliographic, as well as the method of historical and bibliological and terminological analysis. The scientific novelty of the topic lies, first of all, in the formulation of the problem of scientific research of old prints of the funds of small libraries of Ukraine, which often keep in their bookstores rare and valuable publications. Such studies make it possible to identify gaps and identify promising areas for further research. Significant ideology of the library storage system during the Soviet era, low level of proficiency in classical languages and even the languages of European countries of library staff sometimes led to almost complete loss of outstanding copies of human memory from scientific and educational circulation. The figure of Mark Fabius Quintilian has rarely been the subject of historical research. «Instructions to the Orator», the main and only authentic work of Quintilian, which has survived to our time, has a strong technical focus and provides rich material, especially to classic philologists, historians of pedagogy and rhetoric. However, this material does not exhaust the content of «Instructions to the Orator». Many of the plots of Quintilian's major work have a historical context and political coloration and are of great interest to researchers. Conclusions: «Instructions to the Orator» differs from the usual textbook on rhetoric in that Quintilian proclaims his goal not only to teach the technique of eloquence, but also to educate a perfect speaker. The fruit of eloquence, according to Quintilian, a true speaker should see not in selfishness or payment, but in himself, in his knowledge and nobility of thought. Such a position is natural in the framework of normative policy ideas about the free activity of a citizen in the public field. Thus, although in a somewhat modernized form, Quintilian gives all his advantages to the polis ideal of the speaker.

Keywords: old print, rhetoric, oratory, Mark Fabius Quintilian, recitations, funds, catalogs.

Author(s) citation:

Dobrolyubska Yuliya (2022). Old print by Mark Fabius Quintilian from the library of the K. D. Ushynsky South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University. Manuscript and book heritage of Ukraine, (28) 23-35. doi:


  1. M. Fabii Quintiliani. Declamationes cum variorum notis. T. 2. Lugd. Batav. et Roterod [Leiden and Rotterdam]: Ex. Officina Hackiana, 1665. 791 p.
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Скрипник П. І. - Зібрання плакатів сільськогосподарського виробництва з фондів відділу образотворчих мистецтв Інституту книгознавства Національної бібліотеки України імені В. І. Вернадського (2022)

  ARCHIVE (All issues) /     Content (2022, Issue 28)Ukrainian English

Skrypnyk Petro

Posters collection of agricultural production from fonds of Fine Arts Department of Institute of Book Studies of V. I. Vernadskyi National Library of Ukraine

Section: History of Book Collections and Gatherings

Abstract: The aim of the research . The article displays the processes of agricultural production in Ukraineas reflected in visual media, posters in particular. In contrast with the vast majority of researchers who viewed posters as an effective means of indoctrinating the society, the author states that they also playedan essential role in the development of country’s productive forces. With certain reservations, these can beconsidered as poster witnesses providing the visual evidence of the Ukrainian history of the 1920-ies. The research methodology is based on the method of comparative analysis in the presentation of socio-political processes in Ukraine in the period mentioned. Scientific novelty of the research consists in re-considering the principal postulates of the Soviet historiography of the 1920-ies with reliance on posters as visual information sources. The viewpoint that under the influence of Bolshevik propaganda the Ukrainian citizens unanimously started building a new society is contrary to actual facts. Without denyingthe effect of propaganda on social life, the author stresses the necessity of a more balanced approach to the processes that took place in the critical periods of Ukrainian history. In particular, attention should bedrawn to the repressive measures of Soviet authorities against the prevailing majority of Ukraine’s population. This research is carried out in an alternative direction of studying the socio-political history of Ukraine in the 1920-ies. Conclusions. The analysis of the posters examined has shown that those concerned with agricultural production played not a marginal, but, probably, even a major part in the growth of Ukrainian peasants’ self-consciousness as compared with political posters. New technological ideas and the methods of their implementation, which posters presented, rather than a stock of stereotype communist slogans, played the decisive role in the rise of agricultural production in Ukraine. Skillfully composed and masterfully made, they, on the one hand, became the pieces of figurative art and, on the other, – an ideal means of communication in the milieu of semi-literate rural citizens. They also are an essential supplement to the textual history of the Ukrainian agriculture of the 1920-ies.

Keywords: poster, poster collection, visualization of scientific studies, agricultural production posters.

Author(s) citation:

Skrypnyk Petro (2022). Posters collection of agricultural production from fonds of Fine Arts Department of Institute of Book Studies of V. I. Vernadskyi National Library of Ukraine. Manuscript and book heritage of Ukraine, (28) 116-145. doi:


  1. Kondratiuk K. Radianska Ukraina 20–30-h rokiv XX st.: suchasnyi istoriohrafichnyi dyskurs[Soviet Ukraine in the 1920–1930-ies: present-day historiographic discourse]. Visnyk LvivskohoUniversytetu. Seria: istorychna [Bulletin of Lviv University. History series]. 2013. Iss. 48, pp.245–261. [In Ukrainian].
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Кашеварова Н.Г. - Документи Служби Уповноваженого фюрера у справі нагляду за загальним духовним і світоглядним навчанням та вихованням у НСДАП А. Розенберґа (1934–1945) у Федеральному архіві Німеччини: джерелознавчий аспект (англ. мовою) (2022)

  ARCHIVE (All issues) /     Content (2022, Issue 29)Ukrainian English

Kashevarova Nataliya

Documents of the Commissioner of the Fuehrer for the supervision of the entire intellectual and ideological schooling and training of the NSDAP (1934–1945) of Alfred Rosenberg in the Federal Archives of Germany: a source study aspect

Section: Studies in Spesial Historical Disciplines

Abstract: The purpose of the research is to characterize the composition and content of the documents of the Commissioner of the Fuehrer for the Supervision of the Entire Intellectual and Ideological Schooling and Training of the NSDAP (here in after – the Rosenberg Office) to determine the place of these documents in the source base of the study of the history of the Third Reich, to analyze their information potential as sources on the history of national socialist ideology and occupation policy. The research methodologyis based on scientific principles of historicism, objectivity, and systematicity, represented by historical-comparative and historical-archival methods, as well as methods of source analysis. The scientific novelty. The documents of the Rosenberg Office as a complete documentary complex have not yet been the subject of scientific research, although some historians have used these documents as sources for the history of National Socialism, A. Rosenberg’s biographical portrait, but they were not considered as sources for the ideological component of the Nazi occupation policy. Conclusions. A brief analysis of the documents of the Rosenberg Office allows us to conclude that these documents are valuable sources for studying the history of the development of the National Socialism ideology and itsinfluence through the NSDAP system. Among them, there are plans, orders, instructions, reflecting objectives and structure of the Rosenberg Office, functionsof its departments, ideological materialson anti-Semitism, Bolshevism, religion, as well as reference materialson National Socialist figures in the field of culture. A special place amongthe documents of the Service is held by materials covering its participation in the ideological training of Wehrmacht officers, as well as biographical sources documents on the activities of the staff of the Rosenberg Office. These documents also reveal its ties with a wide range of ot her Nazi agencies that participated in the process of creating Nazi propaganda.

Keywords: World War II, National Socialism, ideology, the Commissioner of the Fuehrer for the Supervision of the Entire Intellectual and Ideological Schooling and Training of the NSDAP, archival documents, the Federal Archives of Germany.

Author(s) citation:

Kashevarova Nataliya (2022). Documents of the Commissioner of the Fuehrer for the supervision of the entire intellectual and ideological schooling and training of the NSDAP (1934–1945) of Alfred Rosenberg in the Federal Archives of Germany: a source study aspect. Manuscript and book heritage of Ukraine, (29) 281-299. doi:


  1. Bollmus R. Das Amt Rosenberg und seine Gegner: Studien zum Machtkampf im nationalsozialistischen Herrschaftssystem. München: R. Oldenburg Verlag, 2006. 373 S. [In German]. doi:
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  12. Bundesarchiv Berlin, NS 15/188. [In German].
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  16. Organisationsbuch der NSDAP. München: Zentralverlag der NSDAP, 1943. 750 S. [In German].
Ігнатенко Є. - Молдавська та україно-білоруська традиції церковного співу: спільний репертуар як факт взаємодії, 0001403642 0001403642 (2023)

  ARCHIVE (All issues) /     Content (2023, Issue 30)Ukrainian English

Ignatenko Yevgeniya

Moldavian and Ukrainian-Belarusian church chant traditions: common repertoire as a fact of interaction

Section: Studies of Archival and Book Fonds

Abstract: The goal of the research. Our re cent attribution of kalophonic Greek chants from Ukrainian and Belarusian staff-notated manuscripts of the late 16th–18th centuries proved their Eastern origin and the fact of borrowing. The question arises where Ukrainian and Belarusian singers mastered Greek-Byzantine chant. It is logical to assume that the Greek repertoire appeared thanks to Ukrainian-Moldavian contacts, since the Moldavian chant tradition, which flourished in the 16th century, is based on the Byzantine one. The works of Greek-Byzantine composers make up most of the repertoire of the 16th century Moldavian manuscripts. The goal of the research is to compare the Greek repertoire of Moldavian and Ukrainian-Belarusian musical manuscripts and to define the peculiarities of its fixation in Middle Byzantine and Kyiv staff notations. Methodology. A comparative method of studying Greek-Byzantine, Moldavian and Ukrainian-Belarusian musical manuscripts is used. Scientific novelty. It has been found out that kalophonic works of Greek-Byzantine composers, written down in the Ukrainian and Belarusian staff-notated Heirmologia of the late 16th–18th centuries, are presented in the Moldavian Anthologies of the16th century. Also, in Ukrainian and Belarusian manuscripts, we managed to authorize the Greek-language Cherubic song of the plagal 1st mode of the out standing Moldavian composer Evstatie, the Protopsaltes of Putna (ca. †1546). Conclusions. The common Greek repertoire of Moldavian and Ukrainian Belarusian manuscripts, as well as the work of Evstatie, recorded in Ukrainian and Belarusian Heirmologia, testify to the direct connection of Moldavian and Ukrainian-Belarusian church chant traditions and prove that the 16th century Moldavian musical school became an intermediary in the involvement of Ukrainian singers in the Greek-Byzantine chant tradition and had a powerful influence on the development and renewal of Ukrainian and Belarusian church chant in the late 16th–17th centuries.

Keywords: Ukrainian-Belarusian church chant tradition, Moldavian church chant tradition, staff-notated Heirmologia, Moldavian musical Anthologies, common Greek repertoire, kalophonic chant, Middle Byzantine notation, Kyiv notation, musical exegesis, Evstatie, protopsaltes of the Putna monastery.

Author(s) citation:

Ignatenko Yevgeniya (2023). Moldavian and Ukrainian-Belarusian church chant traditions: common repertoire as a fact of interaction. Manuscript and book heritage of Ukraine, (30) 27-40. doi:


  1. Dubrovina L. A. Supraslskyi Irmoloi 1601 roku: deiaki aspekty kodykolohichnoho doslidzhennia [Suprasl Heirmologion, 1601: Some aspects of codicological research] Rukopysna ta knyzhkova spadshchyna Ukrainy [Manuscript and book heritage of Ukraine]. Kyiv, 1993. Iss. 1, pp. 13–20. [In Ukrainian].
  2. Ihnatenko Ye. V. Atrybutsiia hretskykh spiviv z ukrainskykh i biloruskykh Irmoloiv kintsia XVI–XVIII stolit [Attribution of the Greek Chants from the Ukrainian and Belarusian Heirmologia of the late 16th – 18th centuries]. Studii mystetstvoznavchi: Teatr. Muzyka. Kino [Researches of the Fine Arts: Theatre. Music. Sinema]. Kyiv: M. Rylskyi Institute of Art Studies, Folkloristics and Ethnology of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, 2019. No. 1 (65), pp. 29–38. [In Ukrainian].
  3. Ihnatenko Ye. V. Hretskyi repertuar ukrainskykh i biloruskykh Irmoloiv kintsia XVI–XVIII stolit: suchasnyi stan doslidzhen [Greek Repertoire of the Ukrainian and Belarusian Heirmologia of the late 16th – 18th centuries: Present Status of Research]. Naukovi zbirky Lvivskoi natsionalnoi muzychnoi akademii imeni M. V. Lysenka [Scientific collections of the Lviv National Music Academy named after M. V. Lysenko]. 2021. Iss. 47, pp. 17–31. [In Ukrainian]. doi:
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Гасанов Е. Л. - Інноваційне дослідження історичної спадщини міста Гянджа за культурно-літературними матеріалами (2023)

  ARCHIVE (All issues) /     Content (2023, Issue 31)Ukrainian English

Hasanov Elnur Latif oglu

Innovative study of historical heritage of Ganja city based on cultural-literary materials

Section: Studies in Spesial Historical Disciplines

Abstract: The purpose of the study is to include into scientific circulation ancient written sources and archival documents on the history of the development of science and education of the Renaissance period in Ganja city of Azerbaijan. The methods used for this study included historical and comparative research metod, chronological, source method. Scientific novelty. The peculiarities of the development of science and education of the Renaissance period in the city of Ganja, Azerbaijan, were determined for the first time. Conclusions. This research work studies the features of development of science and education of the Renaissance period in Ganja city of Azerbaijan on the basis of ancient written scientific sources and archival documents. The scientific work also studies processes of teaching of social, humanitarian and natural sciences in Ganja during this historical period, the services of prominent scientists, thinkers and teachers of that period, who worked in madrasa and used rich libraries. In particular, given the importance of the city as a socio-political, economic, scientific and cultural center, the research involved the scientific achievements of local scholars of the Middle Ages. By the way, during this historical period, Ganja, as an important political and cultural center, was visited by famous scholars of the Muslim East, and important historical information about their teaching and scientific activities have been studied for many years. The merits and patronage of the Azerbaijani state of Atabeys, which played an exceptional role in the development of the traditions of our national statehood, the formation of prominent figures in science and culture, are considered in the scientific article on the basis of available scientific sources, historical documents, written sources. Also this study, based on historical and ethnographic sources, determined the significance of the scientific, literary and cultural contribution of Ganja in the development of the characteristic features of the Renaissance period not only of the country, but also in the development of the Islamic world as a whole. It also examines the works of the predecessors and successors of Sheikh Nizami that promote national traditions, universal human values and calling for fruitful coexistence of cultures.

Keywords: Ganja, Azerbaijan, urban culture, historical research, cultural traditions.

Author(s) citation:

Hasanov Elnur Latif oglu (2023). Innovative study of historical heritage of Ganja city based on cultural-literary materials. Manuscript and book heritage of Ukraine, (31) 271-286. doi:


  1. Hasanov E. L. Innovative significance of research of traditional architectural features of Ganja. TSU-TI — The International Scientific Journal of Humanities. 2022. No. 1(1). Pp. 71-74. doi:
  2. Azerbaijan ethnography: in 3 vol. Vol. 1. Baku: Sharg-Garb., 2007. 544 p.
  3. Alizadeh A. A. Socio-economical and political history of Azerbaijan in XIII-XIV centuries. Baku: AS of Az SSR, 1956. P. 17.
  4. Hasanov E. L. Ganja Imamzadeh tomb. Baku: Elm va tahsil., 2012. 268 p.
  5. Azerbaijan art. Vol. 8. Baku: Elm., 1959. 276 p.
  6. Ahmadov F. M. Historical mind of Ganja. Ganja: Elm., 2007. 246 p.
  7. Hasanov E. L. Innovative research of urban heritage of Ganja based on the local epigraphic monuments. 2nd International Science and Engineering Conference. 2021. Pp. 28-31.
  8. Ganja branch of Azerbaijan Republic National Archive. F. 20, d. 1, w. 17.
  9. Mustafayev A. N. Handicrafts in Azerbaijan. Baku: Altay, 2001. 232 p.
  10. Hasanov E. L. Innovative research of national wisdom in works of Nizami Ganjavi. International Scientific Journal Theoretical and Applied Science. 2022. Iss. 01, vol. 105, pp. 475-481. doi:
  11. Hasanov E. L. Applied significance of investigation of handicrafts branches in Ganja city based on innovative technologies (Historical-ethnographic research). Prague: Vědecko vydavatelské centrum "Sociosféra-CZ" (Czech Republic), 2018. 110 p. ISBN 978-80-7526-323-0
  12. Historical book of Elizavetpol province for 1910. Elizavetpol, 1914. 337 p.
  13. Guliyeva N. M., and Hasanov E. L. Investigation of basic decorative-applied arts of Ganja on the basis of some innovative arguments and technologies. Science and Society: Proceedings of the 3rd International scientific-practical conference. London: Scieuro, 2013. Pp. 281-291
  14. Hasanov E. L. To the Question on Research of Craftsmanship Traditions of Ganja of XIX – First Half of XX Centuries. Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences. 2015. Vol. 6. No. 1. Part S1. Pp. 433-437. doi:
  15. Mustafayev J. M. Craftsmanship organizations during the Middle ages. Jahan journal. 1998. No. 4. Pp. 17-21.
  16. Häsänow E. L. Ethno-anthropologische merkmale der Gändschänischen Teppiche von XIX-XX jahrhundert (auf die 220-jährige jubiläum der Aserbaidschanischen gelehrten und dichter gewidmet Mirsä Schäfi Waseh). Austrian Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences. 2014. No. 1. Pp. 3-4
  17. Azerbaijan archaeology: In 6 vol. Vol. 6. Baku: Sharg-Garb., 2008. 632 p.
  18. Hasanov E. L. Local Ganja carpets as the samples of contemporary museum studies. Conferinţa ştiinţifică internaţională a Muzeului Naţional de Istorie a Moldovei. Istorie - Arheologie - Muzeologie. Ediţia 31, 28-29 octombrie 2021, Chisinau. Chişinău: Bons Offices SRL, 2021. Pp. 139-140.
  19. Tabeikyna E. K., Kamalova G. T., Hasanov E. L., Dzhumagaliyeva K. V., and Demeuova N. K. The place of intelligentsia in socio-economic development of society: the creative perspective. Creativity Studies. 2021. 14 (1). Pp. 235-250. doi:
  20. Hasanov E. L. Innovative study of historical-ethnographic and cultural heritage of Ganja city for Renaissance period. International Scientific Journal Theoretical and Applied Science. 2021. Iss. 02, vol. 94. Pp. 248-254. doi:
Гасанов Ельнур Лятіф оглу - Значення писемних джерел у вивченні середньовічної спадщини Гянджи (2024)

  ARCHIVE (All issues) /     Content (2024, Issue 1)Ukrainian English

Hаsanov Elnur Latif oglu

Significance of the written sources in study of medieval heritage of Ganja

Section: Studies in Spesial Historical Disciplines

Abstract: The purpose of the study is to include into scientific circulation the historical and literary manuscripts as the ancient written sources on the cultural heritage of the research of the medieval past of Ganja city. The methods used for this study included historical and comparative research metod, chronological, source method. Scientific novelty. The main features of the socio-cultural development, also literary heritage of the Renaissance period in Ganja, Azerbaijan, were determined based on various manuscripts and archival documents for the first time. Conclusions. This research work studies the basic features of manuscripts, different historical documents on the past of Ganja city as the sources in research of the cultural and sociological development during the Renaissance period. The life and creation of such genius persons as Nizami Ganjavi have been studied based on archival materials, various written sources, historical documents, literary samples for the medieval period on the basis of comparative scientific approach. Manuscripts or reprints of original works of prominent personalities, who lived during this period were included in the scientific circulation as a fundamental source. Also, some controversial points on research of the typical features of development of Ganja city, life and activities of the famous historical persons are clarified based on the investigation of the scientific sources and materials.

Keywords: Azerbaijan, Ganja, manuscripts, historical research, cultural values.

Author(s) citation:

Hаsanov Elnur Latif oglu (2024). Significance of the written sources in study of medieval heritage of Ganja. Manuscript and book heritage of Ukraine, (1) 116-134. doi:


  1. Hasanov, E.L. (2023). Innovative study of historical heritage of Ganja city based on cultural-literary materials. Manuscript and book heritage of Ukraine, (31), Pp. 271—286. doi:
  2. Ahmadov, F.M. (2007). Historical mind of Ganja. Ganja: Elm. 246 p.
  3. Ibrayeva, A., Sannikov, D.V., Kadyrov, M.A., Zapevalov, V.N., Hasanov, E.L., and Zuev, V.N. (2018). Importance of the Caspian Countries for the European Union Energy Security. International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy, vol. 8, no. 3. Pp. 150— 159.
  4. Hasanov, E.L. (2022). Innovative significance of research of traditional architectural features of Ganja. TSU-TI — The International Scientific Journal of Humanities. No. 1(1). Pp. 71—74. doi:
  5. Bodenstedt, F (1872). Mirza Schaffy im Liede und in der Wirklichkeit. In Jg. Daheim (Eds.). Leipzig: Verlag. 257p.
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  7. Nizami, Ganjavi. (1491). Seven Beauties. Moscow: Shiraz. 257p.
  8. Nizami, Ganjavi. (1543). Iskandername. Moscow: Shiraz. 241 p.
  9. Nizami, Ganjavi. (1543). The Treasury of Mysteries. London: British Library. 375 p.
  10. Nizami, Ganjavi. (1648). Khosrov and Shirin. Moscow: Bukhara. 286 p. 11. Ganja branch of Azerbaijan Republic National Archive. F. 20, d. 1, w. 17.
  11. Ganja branch of Azerbaijan Republic National Archive. F. 20, d. 1, w. 17.
  12. Ellman, M. (2010). The Nest of Modernism: Henry James, Virginia Woolf, James Joyce, and Sigmund Freud. New York: Cambridge University Press, 250 p. doi:
  13. Head, D. (2009). The Modernist Short Story. A Study in Theory and Practice. New York: Cambridge University Press, 256 p.
  14. Hasanov, E.L. (2017). About research of features of legal culture on the basis of historical literary heritage. Information (Japan). Issue 20, vol. 4. Pp. 2289—2296.
  15. Mammadguluzadeh, J. (2004). Works. Baku: Onder, 369 p.
  16. Hasanov, E.L. (2022). Innovative research of national wisdom in works of Nizami Ganjavi. International Scientific Journal Theoretical and Applied Science. Issue 01, volume 105, Pp. 475—481. doi:
  17. Letters of James Joyce. (1957). Vol.1. New York: Viking Press, 454 p.
  18. Hasanov, E.L. (2018). Applied significance of investigation of handicrafts branches in Ganja city based on innovative technologies (Historical-ethnographic research). Prague: Vědecko vydavatelské centrum "Sociosféra-CZ" (Czech Republic). 110 p. ISBN 978-80-7526-323-0
  19. Joyce, J. (1982). Dubliners, A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man. Moscow: High school, 400 p.
  20. Məmmədova, M.N. (2012). Nizami Gəncəvi dilinin leksik üslubu. Baku: Nafta-Press. 386 p.
  21. Hasanov, E.L. (2015). To the Question on Research of Craftsmanship Traditions of Ganja of XIX — First Half of XX Centuries. Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences. Vol. 6. No. 1. Part S1. Pp. 433—437. doi:
  22. Norris, M. (2003). Suspicious Reading’s of Joyces "Dubliners". Philadelphia: University Pennsylvania Press, 279 p. doi:
  23. Guliyeva, N.M., and Häsänov, E.L. (2014). Die traditionelle Gändschänischen Teppiche von Zeitraum der Aserbaidschanischen Gelehrten und Dichter Mirsä Schäfi Waseh als ethnoanthropologische quelle (XIX Jahrhundert). European Applied Sciences, 2, Pp. 3—5.
  24. Azerbaijan archaeology: In 6 vol. (2008). Vol. 6. Baku: Sharg-Garb. 632 p.
  25. Poulmarc’h, M., Laneri, N., and Hasanov, E.L. (2019). Innovative approach to the research of ethnographic-archaeological heritage in Ganja based on materials of kurgans. Inter national Scientific Journal Theoretical and Applied Science, Issue 09, vol. 77, part 4. Pp. 341— 345. doi:
  26. Tabeikyna, E.K., Kamalova, G.T., Hasanov, E.L., Dzhumagaliyeva, K.V., and Demeuova, N. K. (2021). The place of intelligentsia in socio-economic development of society: the creative perspective. Creativity Studies. 14 (1). Pp. 235—250. doi:
  27. Hasanov, E.L. (2021). Innovative study of historical-ethnographic and cultural heritage of Ganja city for Renaissance period. International Scientific Journal Theoretical and Applied Science. Issue 02, vol. 94. Pp. 248—254. doi:
  28. Zamanov, A. (1979). Friends in Deed. Baku: Writer, 200 p.
Зелінська Н. - Chronicles of the Princely era in the "Ukrainska Biblioteka / Ukrainian Library" by Ivan Tyktor: publishing compromise between scholarship and reader’s demand, Капраль І., Астапцева Х. (2024)

  ARCHIVE (All issues) /     Content (2024, Issue 2)Ukrainian English

Zelinska Nadiya, Kapral Iryna, Astaptseva Khrystyna

Section: Studies in Spesial Historical Disciplines

Abstract: The purpose of the research is to reveal the effective practices of Galician researchers and publishers from the 1920s -1930s, representatives of the Shevchenko Scientific Society and the largest publishing concern in inter war Galicia "Ukrainska Presa [Ukrainian Press]" in their joint efforts to enhance the cultural and educational level of Ukrainians by deepening their knowledge in the field of history through the publication of editions for the mass audience. The research methodology is based on the application of historical, chronological, retrospective, and partially biographical methods, which, in conjunction with editorial analysis methods, allowed for the reconstruction of the original approach of the publishers of the "Ukrainska Presa" concern to the processing and publication of complex content texts intended for an unprepared reader. The scientific novelty of the research lies in the exploration of lesser-known aspects of collaboration between Galician historians in the 1920s -1930s and representatives of the contemporary publishing business. The result of this collaboration includes the publication of the first Ukrainian translations of chronicles from the Princely era. Conclusions. The collaboration between researchers from the Shevchenko Scientific Society and representatives of the publishing concern "Ukrainska Presa", who accurately perceived and addressed the contemporary readership demand, resulted in the publication of the first translations of chronicles from the Princely era into modern Ukrainian. The inclusion of the Galician-Volhynian Chronicle and the Tale of Bygone Years in the popular "Ukrainska Biblioteka [Ukrainian Library]" contributed to their widespread dissemination among the Galician Ukrainian community, playing a role in patriotic education. The experience of concern serves as a reminder to modern Ukrainian publishers that historical works should be a part of the publishing repertoire and the book market. This helps deepen knowledge and shapes in society accurate, research-backed understanding of its own history.

Keywords: Ukrainian Book Publishing in the Interwar Period, Galician-Volhynian Chronicle, Tale of Bygone Years, "Ukrainska Presa" concern, Ivan Tyktor, Theophil Kostruba, Ivan Krypiakevych, Vasyl Pachovskyi, "Ukrainska Biblioteka", newspaper "Nash Prapor", scientific reference apparatus of the publication.

Author(s) citation:


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